martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

Tatuaje de rosas

Hoy os presento un tatuaje de rosas con su significado.
Las rosas son unas flores preciosas que, además, son muy conocidas porque representan el amor hacia una persona. Generalmente, en occidente, regalar rosas a tu enamorada quiere decir que la quieres. Por tanto, las rosas simbolizan el amor, la belleza, la pasión y la fuerza.
Las flores suelen ser de colores y grandes, pero a mi me gustan más las simples y que no se vean mucho.
Espero que os haya gustado y no olvidéis seguirme en el blog y en Instagram y compartirlo con amigos si os ha gustado y dar me gusta que anima mucho.

Today I you present a tattoo of roses with his meaning. The roses are a few precious flowers that, in addition, are very known because they represent the love towards a person. Generally, in west, to give roses to your lover wants to say that you want it. Therefore, the roses symbolize the love, the beauty, the passion and the force. The flowers are in the habit of being of colors and big, but my I like more the simple ones and that they do not meet great. I hope that you have liked and do not forget to follow me in the blog and in Instagram and to share it with friends if you have liked it and to give I like that it encourages very much.

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