domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Origen del tatuaje

El origen del tatuaje no se sabe con exactitud, ya que se cree que este arte era conocido por numerosas culturas alrededor del mundo, pero practicado de forma diferente. Se apunta a los hombres euroasiáticos del periodo Neolítico como los primeros "tatuadores", hace más 5 mil años, a juzgar por los restos encontrados a finales del siglo XX, en Siberia y el delta del Danubio.
A partir de entonces, se sabe que en Egipto, lugar del que provienen los pigmentos de henna (que se convertiría también en un fenómeno en el sur de la India), las mujeres eran tatuadas para representar su estatus social y muchos momias eran marcadas.
Al mismo tiempo, la cultura celta y germánica utilizaban el arte del tatuaje con fines bélicos; los japoneses tatuaban figuritas de barro que acompañaban a los difuntos en su camino al paraíso, y los aztecas tatuaban especialmente a los niños con tal de rendir tributo a dioses como Quauhtli.
Espero que os haya gustado el post de hoy y no olvidéis seguirme en el Blog, Instagram y Twitter.


The origin of the tattoo is not known by accuracy, since one thinks that this art was known by numerous cultures about the world, but practised of different form. One aims at the Euro-Asian men of the Neolithic period as the first "tatuadores", does more 5 thousand years, judging by the remains found at the end of the 20th century, in Siberia and the delta of the Danube. From then, it is known that in Egypt, place from which the pigments come of henna (that would turn also into a phenomenon into the south of the India), the women were tattooed to represent his social status and many mummies were marked. At the same time, the Celtic and Germanic culture they were using the art of the tattoo with warlike ends; the Japanese were tattooing picture cards of mud that they were accompanying on the deceased in his way on the paradise, and the Aztecs were tattooing specially the children so as to give good results I pay gods as Quauhtli.
I hope that you have liked the today post and do not forget to follow me in the Blog, Instagram and Twitter.



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