Hoy os presento diferentes estilos de un tattoo muy chulo, de Frida Kahlo.
Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón (Coyoacán, 6 de julio de 1907, 13 de julio de 1954) fue una pintora mexicana. Su vida estuvo marcada por el infortunio de contraer poliomielitis
y después por un grave accidente en su juventud que la mantuvo postrada
en cama durante largos periodos, llegando a someterse hasta a 32
operaciones quirúrgicas. Llevó una vida poco convencional.
Su obra pictórica gira temáticamente en torno a su biografía y a su
propio sufrimiento. Fue autora de unas 200 obras, principalmente
autorretratos, en los que proyectó sus dificultades por sobrevivir. La
obra de Kahlo y la de su marido, el reconocido pintor Diego Rivera,
se influyeron mutuamente. Ambos compartieron el gusto por el arte
popular mexicano de raíces indígenas, inspirando a otros pintores y
pintoras mexicanos del periodo posrevolucionario.
Espero que os haya gustado el post de hoy y no olvidéis seguirme en el Blog, Instagram y Twitter.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TMiini
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tattoosmiini/
Blog:: https://tattoosmiini.blogspot.com.es/
Today I present my different styles of a very lovely tattoo, of Frida Kalho. Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo 'Pause' sign (Coyoacán, on July 6, 1907, July 13, 1954) was a Mexican painter. His life was marked by the mishap of contracting poliomyelitis and later for a serious accident in his youth that kept her humbled in bed during long periods, managing to surrender even to 32 surgical operations.? It took a slightly conventional life.? His pictorial work turns thematicly concerning his biography and his own suffering. She was an authoress of approximately 200 works, principally self-portraits, in which it projected his difficulties for surviving. Kahlo's work and that of his husband, the recognized painter Diego Rivera, they were influenced mutually. Both shared the taste for the popular Mexican art of indigenous roots, inspiring other painters and painters Mexicans of the period posrevolucionario.
I hope that you have liked the today post and do not forget to follow me in the Blog, Instagram and Twitter.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TMiini
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tattoosmiini/
Blog:: https://tattoosmiini.blogspot.com.es/
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